Well it's Thursday the 27th and I just found out that I need to repair the water pump. You know the motor that gets the water form the well into the tank. The problem as I see it, when you modernize you become dependant upon it. So payday isn't until next Wednesday when we can take it into Ormoc city to get it fixed. ope they can do it in one day as it's a four hour drive round trip. Going to have to figure a way to have a backup pump, however that's not in the budget at this time what with planting a new church. By the grace of God we'll get by.
This Sunday they will have the new church services in a house at Mg Say Say until we can get the new church built. That will save wear and tear on the car.
Nobody ask, but a new pump cost $150.00. Not bad but they don't last very long depending where they're made maybe 6 years or more. Our last one was hit by lighting and was replaced while we were in the states and it was a cheap one that lasted about four years.
Don't forget to pray for our leaders, not only in the world but IN THE CHURCH.
As Christians I really don't think we pray enough, at least for the right things or we wouldn't be in the situation that were in. Amen?
Warrior Bride Christmas Party December 6th
10 years ago