When asked to give a description of our ministry, what comes to mind is the book of Acts. You see, I was trained up in the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship, which to me is hands-on training. When the Lord said "Go", I went, whether it was visiting prison inmates or going to a camp meeting. FGBMF events were excellent training grounds and I believe I learned faster in those than anywhere else. A friend of mine, Brother Bill Cundiff told me one day, "Rob, you have a New Testament Church".
I believe our vison is that of the Lord - go and tell. The Bible books of Mathew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts all refer to going and telling. So it must be very important to the Lord.
How God led us into the Philippines was really quite simple. My wife is Philippine. In 1999 we went to visit her family and while there, I had the privilege of praying for a lady that had suffered a stroke causing the left side of her face to be contorted. I told the Lord, "I don't speak the language". He said, "I know that. Use your prayer language". Well, I went to praying for her and when I was done she left. She was gone two days and during that time the Lord told me to build a church. I said, "Right! How? We don't have any money". He said, "Go back home and sell your motorcycle". "But Lord, we've only had it six months and were members of C.M.A. - Christian Motorcycle Association". Well, you can guess the rest of the story. The Lord won. Today, we have established three local churches here and we are full time missionaries. And the lady that I prayed for, the Lord completely healed her and she's working here in the village. PRAISE GOD!